Annapolis Power Boat Show

Meet us at Annapolis Power Boat Show
Annapolis Powerboat Show
October 3 - 6 brings the transformation of Ego Alley and Annapolis Harbor into a boater’s dream, as floating docks create a temporary marina showcasing new and premiering boats and the latest in boating accessories, equipment and apparel during the Annapolis Powerboat Show.
You can visit DMS Holland at booth A39 presenting the best stabilisation solutions for yachts, like the DMS MagnusMaster, DMS Universal and DMS ARG. For more information on the DMS Universal system, for yachts with existing fin stabilizers, visit the ‘Kallisto’, a Selene 53 ft. The owner will be happy to talk to you.
In addition, there are going to be seatrials with a DaVinci 44 fitted with DMS Anti Rolling Gyro's for zero speed stability and with MY ‘Walrus’, an Aluminium Hull Boat fitted with a 2-rotor DMS MagnusMaster for the best stabilization underway.
For more info contact pnoor@dmsholland.com. For more information on the DMS Universal system, for yachts with existing fin stabilizers, visit the ‘Kallisto’, a Selene 53 ft. The owner will be happy to talk to you.
Location: City Dock in Annapolis, MD. GPS: 1 Dock Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.
More info: annapolisboatshows.com